About us
We are an emerging online network, preparing for online battle to provide the services in all the vibhagas (which means divisions) like Employment, News, Real Estate, etc.
Our story
Vibhaga an online network (website), which provides multiple online services through its website. It was started in the year 2017 by Umesh Yellaboina with the domains “Vibhaga.com” and “Vibhaga.in”.
Initially, it was started with a plan to make a Listing Directory website, with an aim to provide business listings where individual users can register and create their own business listings on the website to showcase about their services and products of their business/company. The main aim of the website is to provide the end users to access information of the businesses through the listings which were directly updated by the business owners, end users can search them through a user-friendly advanced search engine, where the exact location of the business is provided beside. Another option is provided to the end users to express their feedback in the form of reviews, where the customers can give their reviews in the form of star-ratings and a brief comment/feedback with images. A messaging option is also provided on the business listing pages to contact the businesses directly through our website.
Through this, had a plan to create an awesome user-friendly online platform between the businesses and the end-customers, where the businesses have a chance to promote about their services to the end customers and generate quality business/leads. And end users/customers can find the best business/company on our website with the complete information and exact location and by referring the reviews.
By birth, Mr. Umesh Yellaboina was a Hindu, with his keen interest in Hindu traditions and ancient histories, had a habit of reading books to explore more about Ancient India and its cultures. These habits and interests made him pick the company/website title from a traditional Indian language, this made him opt this Sanskrit word as the domain and company title.
So, with his plan to provide multiple online services through this website, he started following sub-projects. They are:
- News.Vibhaga.com
- Jobs.Vibhaga.com
- Realestate.Vibhaga.com
- Store.Vibhaga.com
- Trade.Vibhaga.com
- Social.Vibhaga.com
- Forum.Vibhaga.com
- Edu.Vibhaga.com
- Arts.Vibhaga.com
- Ads.Vibhaga.com

Covering all these websites through the subdomains, had a plan to make a main website “Vibhaga.com” as a search engine. Here, the main website is a search engine based website which covers all these sub-websites and shows the results only through the above websites.
This main website helps the end-users what exactly they are searching for, similarly like Google.com. Here the Google shows the results from all the websites which were open to the public on the internet, but our search engine shows only the results from our own network, i.e. from our websites.
Through this, the user who visits the main website can access the info or services by searching his query on our search engine. This overall plan may sound like ‘Google Network’, but there is some difference between Google and Vibhaga. Google shows info or content which is openly accessible to the public which is provided by other websites also. But Vibhaga provides its own services, where the content or info provided online on its own network.
Vibhaga’s Official Logo:

Initially, the overall plan and the project is initiated with sub-projects. First sub-project which is initiated and completed including development work is ‘Jobs.Vibhaga.com’. And the next sub-project ‘News.Vibhaga.com’ is initiated. Till now, the work is being done by Mr. ‘Umesh Yellaboina’ himself and continuing. Usually, to complete this kind of Megaprojects requires a lot of resources and moreover huge human power.
Vibhaga’s homepage plan:
+ Happy Clients
+ Registered Users
+ Traffic Every Month
Our media partners
We are associated with top media partners in the Industry.